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This is a collection of source codes developed for personal use, demonstrations, school projects, and others. They may not be complete and useable applications. Please feel free to contact me if there is an opinion or a suggestion.

Item Last Update Description Download
System of Systems Testing Framework 17 Jul 2016 Simulation-based goal-oriented testing framework for system of systems Zip, GitHub
AdvertisingWebService 9 Dec 2015 A web service simulator of JCDecaux bus stop advertisement for a school (team) project programmed in C# ASP.NET Zip, GitHub
Smart Home System Simulator 22 Nov 2015 A smart home system simulator to demonstrate my research outcome programmed in C#. Zip, GitHub
Smart Home System Simulator (Primitive) 2 Sep 2015 A primitive version of smart home system simulator programmed in Visual Basic 6.0 and C#. Please refer to the repository smart-home-system. (depreciated) Zip, GitHub
MySQL Backup 2 Dec 2013 A MySQL backup script programmed in PHP Zip, GitHub
Turing Machine Simulator 20 Jul 2013 A turing machine simulator programmed in C# Zip, GitHub
DLL Injector 4 May 2011 A DLL injector/ejector programmed with C++ MFC in Visual Studio 2005 Zip, GitHub